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Save BIG on a Single Dental Implant in Woodbury, MN

Replace A Missing Tooth For Just $3995!*

Discover the transformational power of a single tooth Dental Implant at Creekview Dental and get the permanent smile solution you've been waiting for. A Dental Implant will restore your smile, enhance functionality, and boost your confidence. Dr. Haag, our trusted expert, has been placing and restoring Dental Implants with remarkable success since 2007. We handle every step of the Dental Implant process right in our office! Contact us today to reclaim your smile with a single tooth implant at the low cost of just $3,995.

Limited time offer - book your appointment now!

Meet Our Dental Implant Specialist Dr. John Haag, DDS

Dr. Haag founded Creekview Dental in Woodbury, MN in 1993. He loves the variety of General Dentistry and enjoys the opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives by helping them smile confidently. Dr. Haag has a passion for learning new things and regularly attends continuing education seminars, watches webinars, and reads multiple dental journals to keep current on the latest techniques and materials in the dental field. He has placed and restored over 600 dental implants!

🎖University of Minnesota Graduate

🎖Member: American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

🎖Member: American Academy of Implant Dentistry

🎖Certified Sedation Center

We Specialize In Dental Implants

Creekview Dental is unique in that every step of the Dental Implant process can be completed by Dr. Haag right in our office. No visiting multiple offices or a large, impersonal Dental Implant Center to complete your Dental Implant. 

Say goodbye to an old, loose, or ugly bridge

Provide better support for dentures

Permanently replace your missing tooth (or teeth)

Will not harm your existing tooth structure

Less invasive alternative to a bridge

Keep the look and feel of your natural teeth

Long-term solution lasting longer than most bridges

Maintain a healthy jaw and prevent bone loss

See The Before And After Smile Transformations!

Dental Implants are placed for various reasons, including missing teeth, old dental bridges, ill-fitting dentures,  and smile symmetry. They are a healthy, non-invasive solution to cosmetically enhance a smile when you have multiple missing teeth or can even provide anchorage and better support for a patient with dentures.

What's Included In This Incredible Deal

Implant Abutment+ Implant Crown

After Dr. Haag places your Dental Implant, the second phase will be creating and placing the permanent Implant crown and abutment.

Free Consultation + Limited Exam

During your first appointment, Dr. Haag will discuss your smile goals and perform a Free Limited Exam to assess your oral health.

Free 3D (CT) Imaging Scan

The first appointment also includes a complimentary 3D (CT) Imaging Scan to determine if you are a candidate for a Dental Implant.

Dental Implant Placement

If you and Dr. John Haag decide a Dental Implant is the right option for you, the $3,995* package includes the placement of your Dental Implant.

Schedule a FREE Consultation Today!

Here’s What Patients Are Saying About Us!

"My wife and I have been cared for so well by the folks at Creekview Dental and Dr. Haag. I have recently undergone two implants under Dr. Haag's care, which is the most extensive dental care I have ever experienced and I have been so pleased with Dr. Haag's knowledge and skill in current technology as well as followup care. We recommend Creekview Dental frequently and give the highest recommendation."

Dave M.

"Highly recommend Creekview Dental for all dental needs. I had an implant procedure with Creekview. Dr. Haag and the rest of the staff did a great job and the implant looks real. The staff was extremely friendly. Communication was excellent about what to expect and the financial aspects."

Scott M.

"I was referred to Dr. Haag by trusted friends. I needed implants which I knew would be a long and expensive process. I felt very comfortable with Dr. Haag and his staff. They were pleasant and helpful and treated me like I was an old friend. I trusted Dr. Haag and his dentistry skills."

Cheryl H.

Don't Wait! Save Over $1,500 For A Limited Time Only!

Your satisfaction is our priority, and we look forward to serving you and your family at our Woodbury practice. Contact us today!